Montego Kennels would like to pay tribute to our Obedience Stars, these dogs have achieved excellence in Conformation, Obedience, Gundog Working Tests, and Endurance Tests. Many thanks to their owners who have done such a great job with them, Kylie, Jenny, Tony, Jane and Erin.
Ch. Montego Miranda C.D.X.
Ch Montego Miras Dream C.D. C.D.X
Ch Montego Grand Edition C.D. Gundog Working Test winner

Ch. Montego Mity Classy C.D. E.T. Q.C.
Aust Obedience Ch Montego Tiger Lily C.D. C.D.X, U.D. - Gundog Working Test Winner

Huge Congratulations to Jenny Prestidge and Aust Obedience Champion Montego Tiger Lily C.D. C.D.X. U.D. "Lily" gained her last pass to gain her Australian Obedience Champion in July 2010. Well done to both girls, she is now in training for her U.D. X title.
Neuter Ch. Montego Field of Dreams C.C.D. C.D. C.D.X. N.R.A.

Montego Crystal Aura C.D. C.D.X.
"Zali" was the foundation bitch for Eraky Golden Retrievers, she has produced champion stock for them and Obedience title holders, she is now retired and lives a well deserved retirement at Eraky Kennels.
Montego Quicksilver C.D.
Montego Quicksilver C.D. gained his Companion Dog Title for his owner Paul Ross-New from the Blue Mountains. Sam is now at peace at "Rainbow Bridge" after a long and happy life with Paul and his family - Rest in Peace beautiful boy.
Montego Monarch of the Glen C.C.D., C.D., Novice Rally O
Sire: Aust Ch Montego the Swagman - Dam: Ch. Montego Vanilla Ice
Congratulations to Mabel and James on gaining Glen's CCD title at just on 1 year of age. He will be shown in 2010. We wish them good luck with his trialling career.
Montego Lavender Mist C.D. C.D.X. N.R.A.
Sire: Ch. Inniscroft Keep the Faith (A.I.) - Dam: Montego Summer Skye
Congratulations to Meg and Jenny on gaining Meg's Companion Dog Title. Meg will now continue her Obedience Training to add further titles to her name. Well done girls.
Montego Chilli Peppa Advanced Rally O

Sire: Aust/ NZ Ch. Shogold Champagne on Ice (A.I) ~ Dam Ch. Montego Abosolute Bliss
Montego Chilli Peppa gaining her Advance Rally O.