Aust/NZ Ch Montego Pendragons Quest (Imp Aust)

Sire: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (UK) - Dam: Montego Primadonna
"Sean" was imported into New Zealand by Margaret Kerr of "Inniscroft Kennels". He is maturing into a handsome boy. He has had limited showing with some excelleng results including 1st place New Zealand National 2003, 1st Place Southern Golden Retriever Club and a Reserve C.C. We feel the best is yet to come with this lovely boy.
How right we were about Seans future, he is now a BEST IN SHOW Golden Specialty Winner. Also a Best in Group Gundog winner. Sean now has 3 NZ Challenge Certificates to his credit, along with multiple Reserve CC's under Golden Specialiasts.
Southern Golden Retriever Club Championship Show
23rd September 2006
Judge ~ Julie Bedford [Croftsway Labradors Akld]
Judge's critique:
Top quality dog of excellent type. Beautifully made well balanced dog. Lovely typical head with good width of skull and kind expression. Excellent neck and shoulders, with correct spring of rib. Excellent quarters. Solid topline,super bone, coat and tail. Excellent legs and feet. Moved freely and soundly. Dog CC and BEST IN SHOW.
"Sean" has now returned to Montego Goldens and will be resident with us permanently
He is sired outstanding progeny and we are so proud of him.
Goldbrior Quiz Master
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Goldbrior Kira Lee
"Mac" has matured into a handsome boy, he is on his way to his Australian Championship, with challenges, & Group Awards
and was placed 3rd in Puppy dog at the 2004 GRC Nationals in Sydney along with his sister "Lilly" Goldbrior Queen of Hearts who was placed 2nd in a huge Puppy bitch class. (Lilly is currently nursing her first litter to Goldbrior Thunderbolt) Watch this space for her portrait once she has finished Maternal duties.
Seaduel Standing Ovation
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Final Act
"Stanley" has started his show career well with Challenge points, RCC and Minor in Group awards. We look forward to his continuing sucess. Owned by S. Bailey and J. Glover.
Montego Summer Skye
Sire: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Absolute Bliss
"Skye" is maturing into a lovely bitchand at the SA Golden Retriever Show 2005 under Breed Specialist Mr Jim Richardson of Scotland won the Minor Puppy Bitch Class.
Skye also won the Junior Bitch Class at the NSW Golden Retriever Show under Mrs P Comer of "Cracksavon Kennels" Breed Specialist from the UK. - Critique for this show was unavailable.
Montego Ice Magic
Sire: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Absolute Bliss
"Montego Ice Magic" - "Ellie" is a full litter sister to "Montego Summer Skye" owned by Lydia in SA.
Ellie is maturing into a stunning girl, she has had some good show results from limited showing (due to us never being in the country for most of 2005.) She has won her class most times and has several Minor in Group awards.
Her show career will resume after our hot summer break.
Seaduel Chorus Line
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Final Act
Lola has had a great start to her show career gaining baby of breed through out her baby career.
Lola was placed 3rd in the minor bitch class at the GRCSA champ show under Mr Jim Richardson (Scotland). She had just turned 6months that day, what an achievement!
28/8/05 Under gundog specialist Mr G Spagnolo (NSW) Lola wins Minor In Group.
Here is Lola's latest portrait - aged 10 months. What a lovely girl is
maturing into.
Seaduel The Mikado (Imported Aust)
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Final Act
T-Chan is the beloved pet and companion of Sachiko in Japan, he is piictured here at 7.5 months of age. He will be competing in Obedience and Conformation as he matures up.
He is loved by Sachiko Kerochan - All the best for his future)

"T-Chan" in Japan enjoying his daily walk. He is doing very well with his Obedience Training. Loved by Sachiko and family.
T-Chan winning his first Obedience Trial in Japan. Congratulations to his owners Well done!!!!!
Meeka & Bumi
(left) Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Shaunray Buffi
(right) Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Miss Moneypenny
Two lovely Merlin boys enjoying life together.
"Which way did they go".
Montego Island Dream
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Absolute Bliss
"Emma" is happily enjoying Island life in Hawaii with her owner Margareta Doughty, a well respected long time Golden Breeder.
We wish them both all the best for the future.
Montego Standing Ovation (Imp. Aust)
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Skeybelle Babette
Owned by John and Kim Dillon. Pictured here at 7 months.
Whelped December 2005
"Marley" was exported to USA to John and Kim and has taken the showring by storm. She is one win short of her American Championship and will complete this later in the year once she has matured a little more. We are thrilled for Kim and John and their lovely girl - all the best for the future
Piarki Magic Me
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Ch. Piarki The Cabaret
Photo taken at 20 months of age - June 2007
Hagan lives a life of luxury with his owners in Singapore. He has started his show career and done very well. We wish his owners Loke and family all the best for his future.
Goldmatt Betwitched
Owned and bred by Leonie and Steve Neill
This is "Thor" who is enjoying life in beautiful San Fransisco. He lives with his owner Cat Myser, enjoying life to the full and plays and frolics all the great parks and walks in this city "Its a Dogs Life".
Aust Ch Seaduel Diamonds Forever
Sire: Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Montego Final Act
"Tara" is our lovely Merlin daughter, she is a joy to have with her gentle nature and we look forward to her completing her Australian Championship in the near future.
Tara has now gained her title and we are very proud of our girl.
Montego Cameo Girl
Sire: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Skyebelle Babette
"Tess" is our lovely Merlin daughter, bred from the top Uk and Australian lines, we look forward to her future here at Montego.
Brackendell River Bellz
Sire: Aust Ch. Willowlawn Cast A Spell (Imp UK) - Dam: Ch. Montego As You Dream
"Bella" winner of SA State Obedience Titles
